Hayley Mortin
Based in Montreal, QC.
What brought you here? Where are you going after?
- Initially was looking for a way to break out of my routine & generate new ideas in an area I had some previous knowledge around
- Have been wanting to develop more ideas around the relationship between knitting & computation - cellular automata relies heavily on grid structures (as does knitting) and seemed like an inviting entry point into conceptually connecting them
- Exploring further the use of knitted panels to create stop motion & mimic movement
Something you would want to have happened differently? How would you want it to have happened?
- Something I personally would’ve done differently: I wish I had taken more time off of work or enrolled during a time that was less busy at work
- Sometimes found it challenging to put full energy & effort into assignments when I had full work weeks that required me to work extra hours
- This also would’ve prevented zoom fatigue - I work remotely and spend 6-8hrs a day at my desk so sometimes I struggle to stay engaged
- More time for feedback - I often work in isolation so it would’ve been helpful to spend more time getting peer feedback on work for how to improve and move forward
Something you would want to do again or more? What made you feel like that?
- More collaboration & group work where each member could contribute a unique skill (& skillshare with others) would have been interesting!
- I don’t have much expertise on coding/technical skills and it would have been interesting to learn conceptually from others who have more of an expertise on this.
- More time spend knowledge sharing & sharing out resources with the broader group - everyone has such a huge variation in backgrounds it would’ve been cool to hear more on the expertise of the participants
What was your worst and best memory of each week?
(week 1) the excitement & momentum of the new course environment, virtually meeting all participants - immediately feeling inspired through the tactility of paper weaving
Would you share a moment that you felt lost and one that you felt creative?
- Feeling lost - in course content: (week 2) - felt I lacked expertise to develop rule sets (perhaps I was overthinking it) but conceptually I struggled to grasp the concept and put it into my own practice.
- Feeling lost - logistically: initially felt lost moving from initial file organization to Google Drive.
- Feeling creative: felt energized and creative looking through the microscope & listening to music!
Do you feel you have made a new connection? With people, subject, practice, idea, etc... Have you deconstructed one?
- I feel far more equipped & connected to the idea of movement: the idea of carefully watching the behaviour of cells based on rulesets & their interaction patterns
Did you see any peer work or works that caught your attention?
I had no idea something could look so painterly that was generated: